
A big thank you to Klay Anderson for taking my favorite show video and tweaking it so it has better audio, making it more fun to watch.
I've also taken off about 3 minutes, hopefully making the length more watchable.
Not wanting to pat myself on the back, but I have loved so many ...shows, in clubs and theaters throughout the county over the course of my career. I have posted a number of videos that I think are really funny and I love to watch. That said, this is probably my favorite video. I laugh every time I watch it. And although this might sound a little whiney, I think this video should have gone viral (although I don't know how to make that happy. LOL)

You may have seen it before, I'm posting it again anyway.

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Top that - Dolphin Story (Long)

Hypnotized volunteers (through suggestion), get angry at me when I use the word groin. They want to save the show from my inappropriate groin comment...

COMING UP : My only shows in Virginia this year at the Arlington Drafthouse
August 1 & 2
Tickets are in sale now

Truthfully, I thought Ted Kelly and I had come to the end of the film festival road. But it appears “Pistachio - A Love story” still has legs.

I just watched a video on vowels ( due to something from last nights show )

My takeaway from the video ;

“ Even the best spellers have to admit sometimes, I fought the schwa but the schwa won. “

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Schwa - Merriam-Webster Ask the Editor

The most common vowel sound in English causes many spelling problems. See more videos at to our...

The Comedy Arena - UPDATE

4 shows this weekend
Early show Friday and Saturday are sold out
Late show Friday and Saturday some tickets are still available.

THURSDAY - Happy Hour aprox 6:45 pm

For some reason, I’ve been in the mood to start cooking again. Sadly, there is no one to eat what I make

😂 😂
one pic is what it looks like after I’m done cooking
The other 2 pics are stuff I just made

Ladies, if you like pistachios, you’ll never need to worry about being disappointed or wanting to sue me

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


HAPPY HOUR IS CONFIRMED - I’ll be showing up 6:45 ( ish )

Tickets still available for Friday and late Saturday

Who is up for doing HAPPY HOUR in Mckinney, TX at The Comedy Arena
on Thursday 6 / ...27/ 24
( prior to my weekend run )
If there is enough interest I will schedule it and come to town early. If there isn’t much interest I won’t schedule Happy Hour. Either way, I hope to see y’all at a show Friday or Saturday